It so happened that at age 11 I was brought up in a boarding school. The first time my grandmother came to me, but then she died. So I went through life alone. Recently, the Internet came across the…
Detective Agency
Investigations for anonymous clients and customers-incognito
we do not ask too many questions!
It so happened that at age 11 I was brought up in a boarding school. The first time my grandmother came to me, but then she died. So I went through life alone. Recently, the Internet came across the…
Thank you very much detective agency "Private Detective" for taking his mother's sister, whom she has not seen since the late 50's. We must see the happiness of my mom to understand my feelings! Such…
Ever wanted to know who my ancestors. After high school, even thought on the historical faculty of the Institute come to ride in all sorts of expeditions to search for the "historical roots.")), But…
Each person's work is his second home, where he spends most of his time. Well, for managers and owners of their own companies, this is also a native child, which must be protected, both from external and internal enemies, which is very useful in the surveillance of the office.
No matter how strong and open the relations in some families between children and parents are, sooner or later the moment comes when the child begins to grow up and hide some things from his moms and dads.
If you look at certain things correctly, then the head of the family is a man who is responsible for all his household.
How to protect your business?
Raiding in Ukraine in particular and the world in general, is a hostile takeover of the enterprise, against the will of their owners. With this concept meets almost every citizen of our country: that flash of something in the press about the raider attacks, the movie will be shown on television. How sadly to say, raiding in Ukraine is not an uncommon phenomenon. The variety of the concepts and methods of raiding is not always possible within the law to protect the business. Raiders use as power grabs and control of business, as well as in arbitration proceedings and arbitration courts. That is why an independent anti-raiding is almost impossible. Most often, administrative and law enforcement agencies or unable to protect the business, or waive the action. This forces private business to rely mainly on their own resources, and to organize their own security company.
Do not think that raiding in Ukraine for the only large, stable companies. In sight of the Raiders gets any potentially profitable business, up to the kiosks and stalls. After all, the purpose raider attack may be to eliminate competition, misappropriation of company assets, such as your name, patented intellectual property, equipment or real estate.
Raiding in Ukraine is carried out after a thorough examination of financial records and the founding of the firm. The purpose of this manipulation is simple, find the weak spots in the documents by which it will be possible to influence the legal side of the business from the inside. Consider that the security of the enterprise at risk if you frequent to allow authorities to inspections and requirements to provide public information about the company. Most likely it is a preparation for a raider attack. To avoid getting inside information about your business from external sources, it is necessary to take care of business information security.
Here are some common signs of preparation for the raider attack:
1. unexplained increase in inspections by authorities;
2. changes in the composition of shareholders, a significant purchase of shares;
3. frequent offers of cooperation or investment;
4. excessive attention of marketers and consultants, all of a sudden interested in producing your area.
Individually, each feature may not be obvious threat to enterprise security, but in a complex and obsessive regularity is a clear sign of impending raider attack.
If you notice these signs, with respect to your company, or a small shadow of doubt has arisen, after a disagreement with competitors, you're concerned about raiding in Chernivtsi - contact us. Our agency is ready to help you secure business through integrated events for protection from raiders.