A former officer of the Soviet times, but I had to go here. What to say nothing - do their job professionally, quickly and clearly. Helped, though, and for the money. Although it is free of charge probably…
Detective Agency
Investigations for anonymous clients and customers-incognito
we do not ask too many questions!
A former officer of the Soviet times, but I had to go here. What to say nothing - do their job professionally, quickly and clearly. Helped, though, and for the money. Although it is free of charge probably…
Ever wanted to know who my ancestors. After high school, even thought on the historical faculty of the Institute come to ride in all sorts of expeditions to search for the "historical roots.")), But…
The story is as old as the world: there was a family, and I did not appreciate it. As a result, the wife left me and took the child. Where to go - I do not know. But I do not blame her, because I behaved…
Each person's work is his second home, where he spends most of his time. Well, for managers and owners of their own companies, this is also a native child, which must be protected, both from external and internal enemies, which is very useful in the surveillance of the office.
No matter how strong and open the relations in some families between children and parents are, sooner or later the moment comes when the child begins to grow up and hide some things from his moms and dads.
If you look at certain things correctly, then the head of the family is a man who is responsible for all his household.
Modern technology - it is the body that is in constant development and improvement, to offer to man a new solutions emerging problems and difficulties. And so the emergence of the Internet and its active and full implementation of our the stay was only a matter of time. Today, it is extremely difficult to imagine that we could dispense with a global network, without tablets, smart phones and iPhones. It is also extremely difficult to imagine that we could somehow communicate with my friends and just new friends without the use of social networks. Moreover, these resources are an integral part of not only leisure modern man, but the decision of its many operational issues. In particular as it concerns the social network VKontakte, which has ceased to be the prerogative of the pupils and students, and has been actively used by the platform for businessmen, entrepreneurs and managers of various organizations. But it is also necessary to know and that, despite all the security measures being taken by the administration, still among ordinary owners profiles in the networks that use this platform in their good intentions, there are also those who use it exclusively in their own selfish purposes.
Surely you know the word such as a bot. In the VC there is a huge number of different pages that may belong to one person. And ordinary users will never know his name, did not see his face, and even in the worst case would be a victim of such scams that are hiding behind the mask of a false profile on a social network, engaged in extortion of money and important information. But this does not mean that such people will always remain unpunished and do not learn. If you have been receiving strange messages from this "unidentified" account, or even some demands, but certainly please contact Detective Agency "Private Detective Chernovtsy" to our experts conducted its own investigation and find out who is hiding behind the bot in VKontakte. And as if the person does not try to hide his true face in the virtual world, our detectives will be able to calculate its real name, knowing what kind of phone was used during the registration of a particular page in a VC. And even if that person is registered several profiles, for us it will not be a mystery. All you need is just a link to your profile of interest. Of course, if you have additional information that will help our employees, they also will not be superfluous. Fraudsters are not rare in the messages send their phone numbers, which are asked to transfer money, or credit card numbers. That will be enough to find the true name of the attacker.
Also we are ready to work and not just when it comes to detecting fraud, but in cases where you simply need to protect themselves and prevent the possibility of contact with the ill-wisher. The Internet made a large number of various acquaintances. And even if the user page VC does not cause any apparent suspicion, it does not mean that the person really is by what it claims. Check out their "new friends" with our help.
Recover deleted correspondence
Despite the fact that many people know that the important questions are best addressed to people personally, yet performed and correspondence in social networks, which can disappear for any reason. In the end, this is a technique that is immune from any damage. And if it so happens that some important messages have been deleted, or you do have removed them, and then regretted it, you can turn to us for help, that our detectives recovered in sots.seti correspondence or other remote from your profile files.