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The introduction of our employee

"Cadres decide everything"
Often in the smooth working of the enterprise affects the inner life of the team, its relation to the management, to enterprise policy, psychological compatibility employees. We can help you learn all about the inner life of the collective, through the introduction of our well-trained, man. It will be a person with knowledge of the psychology of communication and relationships. He's in a matter of days will reveal informal leaders within the team, will assess the impact and direction of thought in relation to the development of the enterprise. The use of this information will allow management to further brilliantly to control employees.
If your company have a serious reorganization of or merger with another business, as well as any global change in the organizational structure of the enterprise, fraught with later indignation employees or mass reduction, our specialist will help you establish internal controls in the company and to stabilize the situation within the team moral. Their informal support will carry out a psychological impact on the collective excitement, thereby raising the status of the leadership at the proper level, making sure the correctness of the chosen path of leadership and facilitating the monitoring of staff. As a result, the company will continue to work steadily, smoothly and losses in the ranks of professionals, which is very favorable impact on the overall state of the business.
Very important is the work of the agency in those cases when you begin to notice the leakage of important information about the activities of the enterprise, or misappropriation of property. To Catch a Thief in the hot will be very difficult, and to involve the investigation of other employees do not always succeed. In this situation, play a key role embedded world specialist who can delicately hold a small investigation within the team to identify illegal actions on the part of one or a group of employees. In an investigation, the material is formed with a full report on the work of a specialist, with the application in the form of photographs and videos, which will be a strong evidence base for the detention of fraud.
Equally important is the work of a detective agency when checking personal data of candidates for a job. We carry out verification data provided by a candidate for employment, as well as those of data, which he preferred to keep silent. Checked the accuracy of the reviews from former employment, the reasons for dismissal, addicted to bad habits, level of qualifications, criminal record. All the information is carefully analyzed, conducted a professional, moral and psychological evaluation of the candidate. According to the results of the investigation are given a full report and you can easily decide - whether the candidate you this or not.